Dragon Type: A dragon is a reptilelike creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities.
Features: A dragon has the following features.
- 12-sided Hit Dice.
- Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (as fighter).
- Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves.
- Skill points equal to (6 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.
Traits: A dragon possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in the description of a particular kind).
- Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision.
- Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only unless humanoid in form (or capable of assuming humanoid form), in which case proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its
- Proficient with no armor.
- Dragons eat, sleep, and breathe.