Darkskull: This skull, carved from ebony, is wholly evil. Wherever the skull goes, the area around it is treated as though an unhallow spell had been cast with the skull as the touched point of origin (except that no additional spell effect is tied or fixed to the darkskull).
Moderate evocation [evil]; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, unhallow, creator must be evil; Price 60,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.
Decanter of Endless Water: If the stopper is removed from this ordinary-looking flask and a command word spoken, an amount of fresh or salt water pours out. Separate command words determine the type as well as the volume and velocity.
The geyser effect causes considerable back pressure, requiring the holder to make a DC 12 Strength check to avoid being knocked down. The force of the geyser deals 1d4 points of damage but can only affect one target per round. The command word must be spoken to stop it.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water; Price 9,000 gp;Weight 2 lb.
Deck of Illusions: This set of parchment cards is usually found in an ivory, leather, or wooden box. A full deck consists of thirty-four cards. When a card is drawn at random and thrown to the ground, a major image of a creature is formed. The figment lasts until dispelled. The illusory creature cannot move more than 30 feet away from where the card landed, but otherwise moves and acts as if it were real. At all times it obeys the desires of the character who drew the card. When the illusion is dispelled, the card becomes blank and cannot be used again. If the card is picked up, the illusion is automatically and instantly dispelled. The cards in a deck and the illusions they bring forth are summarized on the following table. (Use one of the first two columns to simulate the contents of a full deck using either ordinary playing cards or tarot cards.)
Playing Card |
Tarot Card |
Creature |
Ace of hearts |
IV. The Emperor |
Red dragon |
King of hearts |
Knight of swords |
Male human fighter and four guards |
Queen of hearts |
Queen of staves |
Female human wizard |
Jack of hearts |
King of staves |
Male human druid |
Ten of hearts |
VII. The Chariot |
Cloud giant |
Nine of hearts |
Page of staves |
Ettin |
Eight of hearts |
Ace of cups |
Bugbear |
Two of hearts |
Five of staves |
Goblin |
Playing Card |
Tarot Card |
Creature |
Ace of diamonds |
III. The Empress |
Glabrezu (demon) |
King of diamonds |
Two of cups |
Male elf wizard and female apprentice |
Queen of diamonds |
Queen of swords |
Half-elf ranger (female) |
Jack of diamonds |
XIV. Temperance |
Harpy |
Ten of diamonds |
Seven of staves |
Male half-orc barbarian |
Nine of diamonds |
Four of pentacles |
Ogre mage |
Eight of diamonds |
Ace of pentacles |
Gnoll |
Two of diamonds |
Six of pentacles |
Kobold |
Playing Card |
Tarot Card |
Creature |
Ace of spades |
II. The High Priestess |
Lich |
King of spades |
Three of staves |
Three male human clerics |
Queen of spades |
Four of cups |
Medusa |
Jack of spades |
Knight of pentacles |
Male dwarf paladin |
Ten of spades |
Seven of swords |
Frost giant |
Nine of spades |
Three of swords |
Troll |
Eight of spades |
Ace of swords |
Hobgoblin |
Two of spades |
Five of cups |
Goblin |
Playing Card |
Tarot Card |
Creature |
Ace of clubs |
VIII. Strength |
Iron golem |
King of clubs |
Page of pentacles |
Three male halfling rogues |
Queen of clubs |
Ten of cups |
Pixies |
Jack of clubs |
Nine of pentacles |
Female half-elf bard |
Ten of clubs |
Nine of staves |
Hill giant |
Nine of clubs |
King of swords |
Ogre |
Eight of clubs |
Ace of staves |
Orc |
Two of clubs |
Five of cups |
Kobold |
Playing Card |
Tarot Card |
Creature |
Joker |
Two of pentacles |
Illusion of deck’s owner |
Joker |
Two of staves |
Illusion of deck’s owner (sex reversed) |
A randomly generated deck is usually complete (11–100 on d%), but may be discovered (01–10) with 1d20 of its cards missing. If cards are missing, reduce the price by a corresponding amount.
Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, major image; Price 8,100 gp;Weight 1/2 lb.
Dimensional Shackles: These shackles have golden runes traced across their cold iron surface. Any creature bound within them is affected as if a dimensional anchor spell were cast upon her (no save). They fit any Small to Large creature. The DC to break or slip out of the shackles is 30.
Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor; Price 28,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.
Drums of Panic: These drums are kettle drums (hemispheres about 1-1/2 feet in diameter on stands). They come in pairs and are unremarkable in appearance. If both of the pair are sounded, all creatures within 120 feet (with the exception of those within a 20-foot-radius safe zone around the drums) are affected as by a fear spell (Will DC 16 partial). Drums of panic can be used once per day.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, fear; Price 30,000 gp;Weight 10 lb. for the pair.
Dust of Appearance: This fine powder appears to be a very fine, very light metallic dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air coats objects within a 10-foot radius, making them visible even if they are invisible. It likewise negates the effects of blur and displacement. (In this, it works just like the faerie fire spell). The dust also reveals figments, mirror images, and projected images for what they are. A creature coated with the dust takes a –30 penalty on its Hide checks. The dust’s effect lasts for 5 minutes.
Dust of appearance is typically stored in small silk packets or hollow bone tubes.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, glitterdust; Price 1,800 gp.
Dust of Disappearance: This dust looks just like dust of appearance and is typically stored in the same manner. A creature or object touched by it becomes invisible (as greater invisibility). Normal vision can’t see dusted creatures or objects, nor can they be detected by magical means, including see invisibility or invisibility purge. Dust of appearance, however, does reveal people and objects made invisible by dust of disappearance. Other factors, such as sound and smell, also allow possible detection.
The greater invisibility bestowed by the dust lasts for 2d6 rounds.The invisible creature doesn’t know when the duration will end.
Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, greater invisibility; Price 3,500 gp.
Dust of Dryness: This special dust has many uses. If it is thrown into water, a volume of as much as 100 gallons is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was thrown. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. The dust affects only water (fresh, salt, alkaline), not other liquids.
If the dust is employed against an elemental with the water subtype, the creature must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be destroyed. The dust deals 5d6 points of damage to the creature even if its saving throw succeeds.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water; Price 850 gp.
Dust of Illusion: This unremarkable powder resembles chalk dust or powdered graphite. Stare at it, however, and the dust changes color and form. Put dust of illusion on a creature, and that creature is affected as if by a disguise self glamer, with the individual who sprinkles the dust envisioning the illusion desired. An unwilling target is allowed a DC 11 Reflex save to avoid the dust. The glamer lasts for 2 hours.
Faint illusion; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, disguise self; Price 1,200 gp.
Dust of Tracelessness: This normal-seeming dust is actually a magic powder that can conceal the passage of its possessor and his companions. Tossing a handful of this dust into the air causes a chamber of up to 100 square feet of floor space to become as dusty, dirty, and cobweb-laden as if it had been abandoned and disused for a decade.
A handful of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for 250 feet back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, and no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Survival checks made to track a quarry across an area affected by this dust have a DC 20 higher than normal.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, pass without trace; Price 250 gp.