Wondrous Item Descriptions
Standard wondrous items are described below.
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- Amulet of Health
- Amulet of Mighty Fists
- Amulet of Natural Armor
- Amulet of the Planes
- Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- Apparatus of the Crab
- Bag of Holding
- Bag of Tricks
- Bead of Force
- Belt, Monk’s
- Belt of Dwarvenkind
- Belt of Giant Strength
- Blessed Book
- Boat, Folding
- Boots of Elvenkind
- Boots of Levitation
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Boots of Teleportation
- Boots of the Winterlands
- Boots, Winged
- Bottle of Air
- Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
- Bracelet of Friends
- Bracers of Archery, Greater
- Bracers of Archery, Lesser
- Bracers of Armor
- Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- Brooch of Shielding
- Broom of Flying
- Candle of Invocation
- Candle of Truth
- Cape of the Mountebank
- Carpet of Flying
- Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
- Chaos Diamond
- Chime of Interruption
- Chime of Opening
- Circlet of Blasting, Minor
- Circlet of Blasting, Major
- Circlet of Persuasion
- Cloak of Arachnida
- Cloak of the Bat
- Cloak of Charisma
- Cloak of Displacement, Minor
- Cloak of Displacement, Major
- Cloak of Elvenkind
- Cloak of Etherealness
- Cloak of the Manta Ray
- Cloak of Resistance
- Crystal Ball
- Cube of Force
- Cube of Frost Resistance
- Cubic Gate
- Darkskull
- Decanter of Endless Water
- Deck of Illusions
- Dimensional Shackles
- Drums of Panic
- Dust of Appearance
- Dust of Disappearance
- Dust of Dryness
- Dust of Illusion
- Dust of Tracelessness
- Efficient Quiver
- Efreeti Bottle
- Elemental Gem
- Elixir of Fire Breath
- Elixir of Hiding
- Elixir of Love
- Elixir of Sneaking
- Elixir of Swimming
- Elixir of Truth
- Elixir of Vision
- Eversmoking Bottle
- Eyes of Charming
- Eyes of Doom
- Eyes of the Eagle
- Eyes of Petrification
- Figurines of Wondrous Power -- Bronze Griffon, Ebony Fly, Golden Lions, Ivory Goats, Marble Elephant, Obsidian Steed, Onyx Dog, Serpentine Owl, Silver Raven
- Feather Token -- Anchor, Bird, Fan, Swan Boat, Tree, Whip,
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power
- Gauntlet of Rust
- Gem of Brightness
- Gem of Seeing
- Gloves of Arrow Snaring
- Gloves of Dexterity
- Glove of Storing
- Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
- Goggles of Minute Seeing
- Goggles of Night
- Golem Manual -- Clay Golem Manual, Flesh Golem Manual, Iron Golem Manual, Stone Golem Manual, Greater Stone Golem Manual
- Hand of Glory
- Hand of the Mage
- Handy Haversack
- Harp of Charming
- Hat of Disguise
- Headband of Intellect
- Helm of Brilliance
- Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
- Helm of Telepathy
- Helm of Teleportation
- Helm of Underwater Action
- Horn of Blasting
- Horn of Blasting, Greater
- Horn of Fog
- Horn of Goodness/Evil
- Horn of the Tritons
- Horn of Valhalla
- Horseshoes of Speed
- Horseshoes of a Zephyr
- Incense of Meditation
- Instant Fortress
- Ioun Stones -- clear, dusty rose, deep red, incandescent blue, pale blue, pink, pink and green, scarlet and blue, dark blue, vibrant purple, iridescent, pale lavender, pearly white, pale green, orange, lavender and green
- Iron Bands of Binding
- Iron Flask
- Lantern of Revealing
- Lens of Detection
- Lyre of Building
- Mantle of Faith
- Mantle of Spell Resistance
- Manual of Bodily Health
- Manual of Gainful Exercise
- Manual of Quickness of Action
- Marvelous Pigments
- Mask of the Skull
- Mattock of the Titans
- Maul of the Titans
- Medallion of Thoughts
- Mirror of Life Trapping
- Mirror of Mental Prowess
- Mirror of Opposition
- Necklace of Adaptation
- Necklace of Fireballs
- Orb of Storms
- Pearl of Power
- Pearl of the Sirines
- Periapt of Health
- Periapt of Proof against Poison
- Periapt of Wisdom
- Periapt of Wound Closure
- Phylactery of Faithfulness
- Phylactery of Undead Turning
- Pipes of Haunting
- Pipes of Pain
- Pipes of the Sewers
- Pipes of Sounding
- Portable Hole
- Restorative Ointment
- Ring Gates
- Robe of the Archmagi
- Robe of Blending
- Robe of Bones
- Robe of Eyes
- Robe of Scintillating Colors
- Robe of Stars
- Robe of Useful Items
- Rope of Climbing
- Rope of Entanglement
- Salve of Slipperiness
- Scabbard of Keen Edges
- Scarab of Protection
- Scarab, Golembane
- Shrouds of Disintegration
- Silversheen
- Slippers of Spider Climbing
- Sovereign Glue
- Stone of Alarm
- Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
- Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
- Stone Horse -- Courser, Destrier
- Stone Salve
- Strand of Prayer Beads -- Bead of blessing, Bead of healing, Bead of karma, Bead of smiting, Bead of summons, Bead of wind walking
- Sustaining Spoon
- Tome of Clear Thought
- Tome of Leadership and Influence
- Tome of Understanding
- Unguent of Timelessness
- Universal Solvent
- Vest of Escape
- Vestment, Druid’s
- Well of Many Worlds
- Wind Fan
- Wings of Flying